Building And Promoting Your Site
Where And How to Build Your Website
There are many places to build your website. I currently recommend ,, or because you can get you site up and running.
These services have tools on their website that are really easy to use. Take your referral links and use them on your webpage. Explain what the program and why it stands out from the other ones. Have an easy to use interface and don't make your site too cluttery. People don't like slow loading pages. I recommending having a page for each program you use and have a main index page like I have on my site.
Promoting Your Site
This is the most important part of your referral search. If you have no one to come to your site, what can you exspect. There are a few ways of getting for hits to your site.
Webrings, which is owned by yahoo is really easy to use. You paste in their html code choose the webrings you want to be on and the ringmaster of the ring you choose will review your site and will hopefully aprove it. Remember, put the html code yahoo provides before the ringmaster sees your site.
This is a decent way of promoting your site. As you can see I have my yahoo webring bar on my home page. I belong to many webrings, the more the better.
Clickthru is a service where you exchange hits. You can earn them by buying them, displaying banners, and visiting other members site for 30 seconds. This is a good service because you are sure to get hits to your site. Each person will visit your site for a minimum of 30 seconds. The best way to earn credits is to surf other peoples sites. As I said earlier, you will have to stay on a persons site of 30 seconds and then rate it from 1 to 5. Sign-Up
Banner Exchanges
You may have noticed that I have a few banners on the bottom of each page. The reason I have these are to get banner exchage credits. I recommend ExchangeAd. Each service has a banner impression ratio. ExchangeAd has a 4:5 ratio. This means for every 5 banners you display your banner will be displayed 4 times. I will add another banner exchange soon...
You don't have a banner yet
Easy problem to solve. Just go to and they will help you make you own banner for free.
With this site you can earn credits by playing the lotto(quite fun) or by getting clicks on their banners, buttons(as seen below), text, exit pop-up , etc. You can use a credit to get a visitor to your site or exchange it for 1 cent. This is a good alternative to
This is also another hit generating program. All you do is set your start page to the special link given to you. You will visit someone elses site. For every 2 sites you visit your site gets a visit. This is easy because you just click on your browser button and load many pages at once. This is quite fast and easy. Sign-UP
Join AdExchange, a great banner exchange with a 4:5 ratio.